MUSE – Figurative Photography
Gallery Port 2021
Snowflakes and Other Surprises 2022

“The thing at the center of all this attention leaves its mark, touched by the light, almost like a contact relic – these pieces of cloth that the holiness of a saint has been communicated to by contact with the saint’s remains. Photons do not even have a mass, they are only energy which moves around and photography registers accurately the position of their collision into space.
And I feel that Muse shows us a work where the nature of the inquiry and its means are coming together. It provides us with a little guide and his dog to explore these meta-questions about photography. He is the unity, the context, the curiosity, the charm, the beauty, the kindness, the mystery and the light-heartedness of this work.
While he helps us understand photography, photography brings our sharpest and most variegated attention to him (all through collisions of photons, if you follow).”
-Barthelemy García
Part of Snowflakes and Other Surprises at Fotografisk Center, Copenhagen, Landskrona Foto in Sweden 2022 and Northern Photographic Center Finland in 2023.

Músan mín er postulínsstytta af dreng með hund. Ég, listamaðurinn, sú sem ýtir á takkann, sú sem virðir fyrir sér viðfangið, sú sem stillir upp, sú sem púslar saman stíl og hugsun, hef verið að hugsa um víddir, dýpt og flatneskju, ljósmyndina sem hlut, list-hlut. Ég hef líka verið að hugsa um viðfangið, músuna, hvernig það sé fangað, afritað og kjarni þess túlkaður í mynd. Einnig hefur viðtakandinn verið mér hugleikinn, skynfæri mannsins og myndlestur. Hvar liggja takmörk kópíunnar, hvað týnist og skapast í þessari þýðingu á hlut úr einu efni í annað?
Sýnt í Gallerí Port í Reykjavík 2021 og á Snowflakes and Other Surprises í Fotografisk Center í Kaupmannahöfn og Landskrona Foto í Svíþjóð 2022.